Annual Consultation on the School Admission Arrangements for 2022/2023
Dorset are running the annual consultation on the School Admission Arrangements for 2022/2023 with effect from Thursday 12th November 2020 to Wednesday 23rd December 2020.
Details of the consultation will be available to view at
Responses must be submitted either in writing to School Admissions Team, Dorset Council, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ or by email to by Wednesday 23rd December 2020.
Upon the conclusion of the consultation period all responses will be considered carefully and a report will be presented to Dorset Council’s Cabinet meeting on 19th January 2021, prior to the determination deadline on 28th February 2021.
We ask that schools should make reference to the consultation on their websites. They should also inform their parents about the consultation via newsletter and/or other appropriate social media outlets such as Facebook so they are given an opportunity to comment, if they wish to do so.
The key dates for the consultation are set out below:
Dorset LA consultation begins
12th November 2020
Dorset LA consultation ends
23rd December 2020
Own Admission Authorities (including Dorset LA) determine Admission Arrangements
28th February 2021
Own Admission Authorities (including Dorset LA) publish Admission Arrangements
15th March 2021
Deadline for Objections to Office of the School’s Adjudicator
15th May 2021